Pushkin International Award in Italy - IV edition
As part of the IV edition of the Pushkin International Prize-Poetry Section (
www.pushkin-prize.org ), the Friends of Greater Russia Association (
www.amicidellagranderussia.com ), in collaboration with the Italian Unitary Federation of Writers (FUIS), are pleased to announce the "Unknown Poet" poetry contest, which is followed by the call for participation:
Notice of competition / how to participate
1) The Pushkin International Prize - Unknown Poet is divided into two sections: Single Poetry and Poetry Collection;
2) You can participate in one or both sections by and no later than 20 July 2021;
3) To participate in the Single Poetry section, you can send from one to three unpublished poems (never published in volume with regular isbn code) in Italian (also in dialect). The texts must be sent, no later than 20 July 2021, in word format (doc or docx), also attaching the author's data (name and surname; date and place of birth; residential address; e-mail address; telephone number) to the e-mail address: amicidellagranderussia@gmail.com;
4) To participate in the Poetry Collection section, you can send an unpublished collection (never published in volume with regular isbn code, and minimum twenty, maximum forty poems), in Italian (including dialect). The texts must be sent, no later than 20 July 2021, in a single file, in word format (doc or docx), also attaching a short literary biography and the author's data (name and surname; date and place of birth; residential address; e-mail address; telephone number) to the e-mail address: amicidellagranderussia@gmail.com;
5) To participate in the competition it is necessary to pay € 25 to the following account: CULTURAL ASSOCIATION “FRIENDS OF THE GREAT RUSSIA” IBAN. IT 36 J 02008 03284 000104780077 by sending, indicating names, surnames and membership fee. Once the payment has been made, the receipt must be sent to the following e-mail address: amicidellagranderussia@gmail.com;
6) In order to decide a winner, a shortlist of three finalists will be selected for both sections, at the discretion of the jury, which will be made known to the interested parties by e-mail or by telephone and published in the FUIS anthology;
7) The jury (made up of authors, literary critics and experts) is composed as follows:
- President of the Jury: Maestro Elio Pecora.
- Jury: Gabriella Sica, Natalia Stepanova, Mariù Safier, Nicola Bottiglieri and Irene Santori;
8) For the “Single Poetry” and “Collection of Poems” sections, the winner will be chosen by the unquestionable judgment of the jury;
9) As a prize, for the single Poetry section, there will be a certificate of merit signed by the presidents of the jury, the publication on the anthology of the Fuis (Italian federation of writers), the online publication of the poem on the website of the Cultural Association "Amici della Great Russia ";
10) As a prize, for the Poetry Collection section, there will be a certificate of merit signed by the presidents of the jury, the publication and distribution of the volume, in paper edition, with the collaboration of the Fuis;
11) The award ceremony will be held on October 15, 2021, in Rome, at the Center for Russian Science and Culture (cultural department of the Embassy of the Russian Federation) in piazza Benedetto Cairoli 6;
12) The jury can propose to the authors to be included in a paper edition anthology, with a selection of the best texts that participated in the award, possibly published and distributed by Fuis. The selected authors can freely decide whether or not to be included in the volume;
13) Participation in the prize automatically implies acceptance of all the articles of this announcement;
14) Participants in the prize accept the processing of their personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 and subsequent amendments. For minors, written authorization from parents or guardians is required;
15) For any information, doubt or clarification, you can contact us at the email address: amicidellagranderussia@gmail.com.